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Biology and Chemistry Science Building

The Science Building at Rhodes College adds to the growing sciences demand with classrooms, teaching labs and research labs. As the research labs were located at a subterranean level, openings were let into the floor to allow natural light to bleed into the corridor space below.  A flush wood panel wall spans from the first floor down to the lower level and is washed with light to bring additional warmth into the space. Counter to existing science facilities on campus, large panoramic windows allow views into the labs to allow for a view in to see the activity in the space.

New Biology and Chemistry Science Building

Existing Physics Tower

The Science Building is organized as a teaching wing (above represented at the gable forms where the classrooms and teaching labs are located) and a faculty wing (where offices and research labs are located). Though Campus Gothic architecture is heavily present on campus, the building parti allows for a modern moment to occur; a simple glass "hypen" connects the research side of the program with the teaching side of the program. The point supported, butt-glazed insertions were also used between the signature teaching bays to allow light into the building and allow the light to find its way down to the lower level. The mansart roof allows for concealment of the extensive intake and exhaust requirements for the lab spaces.




A gathering space occurs at the subterranean node connection between the existing Physics tower and new Science building.

Experience while with Hanbury

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